independent of the good opinion of others

imjussayin.com_roz_etwaria_smiling _chillin

I created imjussayin as friendly fuel for your mind scripted in hope and humour. I like to add a drop of humour, usually sarcasm. It ‘helps me overcome the harshness of the reality we live, eases the pain of scars and makes people smile’ (Mahmoud Darwish).

imjussayin is the world viewed through my eyes. I am an intersectional (hood) feminist. And independent of the good opinion of others.

Three simple but strong passions govern my life: Firstly, the quest for knowledge. Secondly, assisting people on their journey to self-discovery. And thirdly, sorrow for the suffering of humankind.

So, I campaign for, hood feminism and race equity, and I will share those subjects and political perspectives with you. And although politics has become more about identity than policy, my writing focuses on the issue, not identity. I want to see a return to humanity.

And I believe in the strength of the human spirit to overcome our crises, whatever they may be. Crises are opportunities for new possibilities. Come and discover those at my workshops and training services. I can promise they are interactive, engaging and fun events. Try me.

Listen and share my podcast inSIGHT. It’s about human interest stories on how we overcome adversity, build bridges and there’s also laughter.


Are you wondering why I call my blog imjussayin? It is because I am most oft to say i’mjussayin. Commonly it ends my statements, and I’mjussayin reflects my enthusiasm, license to speak and unconventional methods. After all, I am independent of the good opinion of others. And I encourage you to do the same too.

I do hope that you enjoy the content of this site. And if you leave knowing more than before you visited, or you find is thought-provoking, or you simply laugh, then something has been achieved.

However, if you are critical of something, then use the contact email and be mindful that as I sit in the smallest room in my house, with your message before me, I know it will soon be behind me. skunk logo in black and white with the paws folded in
Roz's signature in bold black

  Looking at life in 3D tackling the tough topics



inSIGHT is based on human interest stories. Find those my other broadcast shows on Mx-Cloud. Hit big red button.

Drop me a line,or a subject for a show

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